Over 70,000 new creators have signed up to Patreon since mid-March, including a 150% increase in the number of musicians

We reported last month that San Francisco-based crowdfunding/membership platform Patreon saw 30,000 creators launch new funding accounts in the first three weeks of March.

The platform has now released additional figures that highlight a growing surge in sign-ups of both creators and patrons during the ongoing Coronavirus lockdown.

According to Patreon (which artists use to offer exclusive content to more than 4 million patrons in over 180 countries) over 70,000 new creators have launched on the platform since mid-March.

In addition, Patreon has seen a 150% increase in the number of musicians launching and a 57% increase in the number of video creators launching.

Meanwhile, over 2,000 local business have launched on Patreon since mid-March.

Patreon has also reported a 65% month on month increase in the amount that Creators are earning on Patreon, in addition to a 20% MoM growth in the number of new Patrons, a record in the company’s history.

It was recently reported by TechCrunch that Patreon, which raised $60 million in a Series D funding round last year, has laid off 30 employees (13% of its workforce).

According to a blog post published by the platform’s Head of Data Science Maura Church last month, more than 150,000 artists use Patreon to generate income from the platform and they’ve earned over $1 billion in the process.

Church wrote at the time that “this moment in time is one of the strongest influxes of memberships that we’ve ever seen”.Music Business Worldwide

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