The MBW Database

Amuse: Annual revenues and operating profit/loss (2019-2023)

Amuse is one of Sweden’s leading independent distribution and services companies for indie artists.

Each year, via company filings registered in Sweden, it reveals details about its prior-year performance.

This data includes the firm’s revenues and operating profit (measured in SEK million), as reflected in the below data visualization.

Please note: The first chart reflects the reported historical net sales of Amuseio AB post-2023.

In its FY 2023 annual report, Amuse changed the reporting metric of its net sales, affecting all previous years. (This move did not affect previously-reported annual margin figures, including operating profit/loss.)

Translated from the Swedish FY 2023 document, Amuse did this for the following reason: “As Amuse’s business model has evolved, the company has deliberately chosen to calculate its net sales based on licensing revenues, subscription revenues and fees for paid services. As of 2023, non-licensed royalty flows are therefore excluded from the company’s results for the financial year, where Amuse only acts as an agent and not as a principal.”

In other words, Amuse has removed gross revenues (for FY 2023 and all previous years) where it simply collects royalties for subscribers to its DIY distribution service and passes 100% of them on to the client. (Amuse’s offering to DIY artists sees it make money via the subscription paid by these clients; the company doesn’t take a cut of collected royalties for these artists.)

For completeness, we have included a second chart depicting Amuse’s annual revenues and operating profit/loss based on its previously-used net sales metric pre-2023 (i.e. including the gross revenue movement from DIY clients, despite the fact Amuse takes 0% margin from these royalties).