PPL donates $875,000 to music industry COVID-19 hardship funds

British music licensing company PPL has today announced that it will donate £700,000 (approximately $875,000) to three UK music industry hardship funds set up as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The news of PPL’s financial support follows the organization’s recent quarterly payment to 26,000 to performers and recording rightsholders of £87.6 million on March 31.

PPL’s donation will be split between relief funds set up by three UK-based organizations: London-based charity Help Musicians UK, the Musicians’ Union and the Association of Independent Music (AIM).

The Help Musicians Coronavirus Financial Hardship Fund will receive £500,000 ($625,000), the Musicians’ Union Coronavirus Hardship Fund will receive £100,000 ($125,000), while the AIM COVID-19 Crisis Fund, launched on April 6 will also benefit from £100,000 ($125,000).

AIM’s support fund is for contractors and freelance workers in the independent music industry who have lost income for April and May as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

AIM’s goal is to distribute £1,000 to 1,000 workers within two months.

The Help Musicians Coronavirus Financial Hardship Fund, which in its first phase provides individual grants of £500, offers support to alleviate some of the immediate financial pressures being faced by professional musicians.

Help Musicians initially made available £5 million for 10,000 applicants, and the charity says that it has received over 17,000 applications.

PPL joins Amazon Music, Arts Council England, the Royal Society of Musicians and Spotify in donating to the fund.

The Musicians’ Union Coronavirus Hardship Fund is offering grants of £200 to members of the Union experiencing pressing and genuine hardship from loss of work due to the pandemic.

PPL’s donation follows the recent announcement that Paris-based Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music (SACEM) has unveiled a €6 million ($6.7m) fund and advances on royalties as part of emergency measures to help its author, composer & publisher members during the Coronavirus crisis.

German performing rights organization GEMA also launched an emergency aid fund last month worth up to €40m ($43m) for its songwriter and composer members.

Meanwhile, British collection society PRS for Music launched an immediate PRS Emergency Relief Fund to support its members during the Coronavirus pandemic, which will see grants up to a value of £1,000 awarded based on assessment of individual need.

“This funding is vital for those who have lost their regular means of income and find it challenging to sustain their livelihood.”

Peter Leathem, PPL (pictured main)

PPL Chief Executive Officer Peter Leathem, said: “At PPL, we recognise the role of these Hardship Funds in providing a lifeline to those in the music industry who have been most impacted by the current crisis and we are delighted to be able to contribute to the funds established by Help Musicians, The Musicians’ Union and AIM to ensure financial support reaches those in need.

“This funding is vital for those who have lost their regular means of income and find it challenging to sustain their livelihood.”

“Demand for financial support has been overwhelming and we are seeing first-hand how the monies are supporting the many thousands in the music community who desperately need it.”

James Ainscough, Help Musicians

Help Musicians’ Chief Executive James Ainscough, added: “We gratefully welcome the financial contribution and continued support of PPL to Help Musicians Coronavirus Financial Hardship funding.

“Demand for financial support has been overwhelming and we are seeing first-hand how the monies are supporting the many thousands in the music community who desperately need it.

“We are grateful to all of those who have responded to our plea for donations and this latest contribution from PPL will significantly boost our ability to help musicians.”

“PPL’s donation to our Hardship Fund will enable us to reach even more musicians who are struggling through these challenging times.”

Horace Trubridge, Musicians’ Union 

General Secretary of the Musicians’ Union Horace Trubridge added: “The Musicians’ Union has been working around the clock to provide much-needed support and advice to its membership.

“PPL’s donation to our Hardship Fund will enable us to reach even more musicians who are struggling through these challenging times.

“Never has there been a more important time to work together to safeguard those who make the UK’s music sector as strong and successful as it is.”

“I am delighted that PPL has confirmed a donation to the fund which will increase the level of support we can provide in the short-term to these individuals.”

Paul Pacifico, AIM

AIM Chief Executive Paul Pacifico, said: “The launch of the AIM COVID-19 Crisis Fund was a call to arms to ensure that all those working in the music industry, including contractors and freelancers who play such vital roles in the success of labels and artists, can weather these tough times.

“I am delighted that PPL has confirmed a donation to the fund which will increase the level of support we can provide in the short-term to these individuals.”Music Business Worldwide

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